Event Date & Time
1/20/2021 10:00 AM - 1/20/2021 12:00 PMLocation
Times listed are Pacific Time.
Sorry, registration is now closed. We have reached full capacity for the training space.
Budgeting for Small Water Systems
2 CA Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded.
In order to remain viable, all public water systems need to acquire and manage sufficient financial resources to achieve and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. One primary tool to become and remain viable is developing and maintaining a comprehensive budget. This workshop will show board members, managers and operators how to develop a budget, identify revenues and expenses, methods to balance the budget, and how to review a budget comparison report on a regular basis.
Participants will learn:
• How to prepare a budget
• How to identify revenue and expenses
• How to identify fiscal policies to assist in balancing the budget
• How to review the budget comparison report on a regular basis
• What types of corrective action can be implemented when you have unexpected expenses or falling revenues.
The recommended audience includes utility general managers, board members, operators, financial consultants and financial analysts for small water systems.
Certificates for Contact hours are available through your profile.
Contact Hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist program.
Click here for January - June 2021 brochure.
For registration questions, contact us at: registration@rcac.org • (916) 447-9832 ext. 1429
Any document or written report prepared with these funds shall contain a disclosure statement such as "This document was prepared using funds under Agreement 18-019-550 with the California State Water Resources Control Board; the total Agreement is for $3,971,380.71 and will produce multiple documents."