Event Date & Time
2/28/2023 8:00 AM - 2/28/2023 3:30 PMLocation
Little America Hotel
2515 East Butler Avenue
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Thank you for your interest in this training. Unfortunately, we have closed registration because either the deadline has passed or there are capacity limitations. Please see our trainings list for other available trainings.
NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona
6 Arizona Professional Development Hours awarded
6 Nevada Contact Hours awarded
Certificates will be available through your profile.
Date & Time:
The NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona training will be held on the following date & time:
February 28 | 8:00AM-3:30PM
This training is being held in Mountain Time.
In the arid Southwest, there will always be a need for new tribal operators to take care of our
most precious resource. The focus of this workshop is to develop the next generation of tribal
water operators & assist current operators in the exercise of their duties. This in-person
event will allow for networking opportunities & the chance to benefit from the collective
knowledge in the room.
Operator certification test preparation topics covered:
· Water system components
· Water chemistry
· Disinfection
· Operator math
Participants will have the opportunity to take a certification practice test to guage their knowledge.
Operator topics covered:
· Cross Connection Control Programs (CCCPs)
· Comprehensive Site Sampling Plans (CSSPs)
These topics will allow tribal operators to maintain compliance with safe drinking water regulations & provide safe water to their communities.
This training will be hosted at the following address:
Little America Hotel
2515 East Butler Avenue
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Click here for Google map directions
Scholarship & Fees:
NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona is a free training.
Please register at the link below.
COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines
Welcome Back to onsite trainings! Masks are optional for our attendees, although our staff & trainers will continue to wear them for your safety.
RCAC is continually monitoring COVID-19, Center for Disease Control updates & local public health department for recommendations.
For event content questions, contact:
Mario Casillas
(602) 619-6304
For registration questions, contact:
447-9832 ext. 1429
This training is presented by Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC).
Funded by: US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9