Policies & Procedures for Managers & Board Members 040224


Event Date & Time

4/2/2024 8:30 AM - 4/2/2024 12:30 PM


Ukiah Valley Conference Center
200 South School Street
Chenin Blanc meeting room
Ukiah, California 95482

Policies & Procedures for Managers & Board Members


4 California Contact Hours awarded

Certificates will be available through your profile.


Date & Time:

The Policies & Procedures for Managers & Board Members training will be held on the following date and time:

April 2 | 8:30AM-12:30PM 


This training is being held in Pacific Time.



To remain viable public water systems need to have written policies in place. These policies need to be updated occasionally and/or when it is determined that the existing policy is not working the way it was intended. These policies includes personnel, governance, financial and customer policies. This workshop will help water system managers, operators and board members to establish, update and maintain their policies and procedures for their system.

Participants will learn:

·        Why polices are needed

·        Where to get policy templates

·        How to develop policies

·        How and when to update policies


This workshop is intended to assist board members, managers and operators.



This training will be hosted at the following address:

Ukiah Valley Conference Center

Chenin Blanc meeting room

200 South School Street

Ukiah, California 95482

Click here for Google map directions.

Scholarship & Fees:

Policies & Procedures for Managers & Board Members is a free training to attend.




Please register on this page.


COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

Welcome Back to onsite trainings! At the present time, masks are optional at all RCAC training events.


For registration questions, contact:

RCAC Events
(916) 447-9832 ext. 1429


By registering for an RCAC event, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the code of conduct set forth by RCAC for training participants, which is available here. RCAC Training Code of Conduct.  Please read the code of conduct carefully before proceeding with the registration process.  

This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TBD awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA.

The views expressed in this document are solely those of the RCAP, Inc. and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.


RCAC is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.