Operator Safety: An Overview (Nevada) 072324-10


Event Date & Time

7/23/2024 10:00 AM - 7/23/2024 12:00 PM


Times listed are Pacific Time

Operator Safety: An Overview


2 Nevada Contact Hours awarded

Certificates will be available through your profile.


Date & Time:

The Operator Safety: An Overview training will be held on the following date and time:

July 23 10:00AM-12:00PM 

This training is being held in Pacific Time.


This course is intended to provide operators a general safety overview as it relates to the environments in which drinking water professionals work. The workshop begins with a regulatory overview and components of a workplace safety program. Next, the presentation moves into personal protection equipment, safety labeling, and recognizing hazards. The module then focuses on chemical and fire safety before finishing with hazards more commonly found in the field. When finished with the course, operators should leave with a better understanding of safety programs and be able to better answer the “Why?” question when implementing safety programs back home.

Participants will learn:

·        Components of a workplace safety program

·        Best safety practices

·        Chemical and fire safety


The recommended audience includes operators, supervisors, managers, and board members.



This training will be hosted online on GoToTraining.

Scholarship & Fees:

Operator Safety: An Overview is a free training to attend.



To receive contact hours for online workshops, each person must be registered with their own email address. An evaluation at the end of the training is also required.


Are you attending as a group, but not watching from your own computer?

Attendees do not need to participate from their own computer/device for the online trainings. Each attendee will be required to register and complete an evaluation to verify their participation. Prior to session start, a Group Leader will need to inform RCAC (registration@rcac.org) which attendees will view the sessions together. Following the training an evaluation is sent to the Group Lead who will be responsible for sharing it with each attendee in the group.


For registration questions, contact:

RCAC Events
(916) 447-9832 ext. 1429


By registering for an RCAC event, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the code of conduct set forth by RCAC for training participants, which is available here. RCAC Training Code of Conduct.  Please read the code of conduct carefully before proceeding with the registration process.  

Funding for this project or program was provided by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection and if applicable the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

RCAC is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.