Free California Drinking Water Workshops

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Free CA Drinking Water workshops are funded in full or in part under the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resiliency (SAFER) Drinking Water Program through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. Each classroom workshop qualifies for six (6) drinking water contact hours, with the exception of the AB54 & AB240 class, which qualifies for two (2) drinking water contact hours. Each online one-part session qualifies for two (2) drinking water contact hours. Each online, two-part series qualifies for up to four (4) drinking water contact hours. Attendees may register and participate in one-part for two (2) drinking water contact hours, or two-parts for four (4) drinking water contact hours.

Training Calendar

The calendar offers multiple ways to find the training you're looking for. In addition to a chronological list of trainings, the calendar and filters let you refine your search by day, week, month, year and event category.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Using Maps, Valves & Flushing to Maintain Distribution System Water Quality 012925
01/29/2025 8:30 AM To 3:30 PM
Location: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Napa Valley-American Canyon (Cabernet Room)
NorCal NAWMA 2-Day Training 012925
01/29/2025 8:30 AM To 01/30/2025 3:30 PM
Location: The Heights Casino
Q1 Central California NAWMA 012925
01/29/2025 9:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Location: Tachi Palace Casino Resort
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Free CA Drinking Water Workshops

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